Do you center joy in your life? In this episode, Kathryn and author Bevy Smith share tips on how to center joy in all areas of your life, from work to your personal life. You’ll learn what centering joy in your life looks like, how to find your own blissful brand, and how living in joy can help you be successful.
“You cannot be in your joy, in your bliss, if you are being something you're not. And part of that is showing up a hundred percent who you are.”
It can be hard to center joy in a world where happiness is determined by the amount of “things” you possess. The key to being blissful is to focus on what’s important to YOU.
“It's very hard for people from our community to acknowledge or to admit to ourselves much less than anyone else when we are unhappy.”
We’re not encouraged to think about how to center joy in our lives or even what “joy” means. However, the key to a fulfilling life is figuring out our own definitions of joy.
“I think the first step to changing your life is acknowledging that this current life you're in is not working anymore.”
The first step towards change and a life where you can truly center joy is acknowledging the space that you're in. You need to understand why you feel like you can’t pursue joy in your life so that you can figure out what needs to change. However recognizing the need for change can be hard, especially if you have achieved traditional success through the access and money that society tells you should lead to happiness.
Bevy Smith:
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