Build the Damn Thing: A Newsletter from Kathryn Finney
Build The Damn Thing
Adapting to Change w/Denise Hamilton

Adapting to Change w/Denise Hamilton

We say we want change but often don’t budget for its cost. In this episode, Kathryn and her guest, Denise Hamilton, founder of WatchHer and author of Indivisible, examine the complexities of adapting to change and uncover effective strategies for navigating these shifts seamlessly. 

“We often say that we want change, but we don't budget for the cost of change, right?”

Change means more than just making minor adjustments. There is a cost to real change. For example, change can mean calling out toxic practices or people, even if the people are powerful and the practices are just how things have always been done. 

“You can't be intentionally exclusive for hundreds of years and then be accidentally inclusive. You have to do the work.”

Part of Denise’s diversity and inclusion work is helping leaders understand that they need to push against the status quo actively. They can’t just coast and pretend to do the work to create inclusivity; rather, it’s about changing the company's underlying culture. But this is hard for many leaders because humans, in general, tend to resist change and see it as a threat. As Denise writes in her recent book, Indivisible, the goal should be beyond surface-level inclusivity and focused on making actual change.

“If you create a paradigm of change that only suggests sacrifice, it will be mighty hard to get up the hill. You have to show how making these changes benefits everyone.” 

Many corporations have abandoned commitments made after George Floyd's murder. However, some corporations are sticking to the promises they made in 202, and those that are sticking with their promises are doing very well financially. 


Denise Hamilton:

Build the Damn Thing: A Newsletter from Kathryn Finney
Build The Damn Thing
No more excuses. No more procrastination. If you’re ready to take your business, side hustle or idea to the next level, then this is the podcast for you! The podcast is hosted by Kathryn Finney, one of the most influential women in tech (INC Magazine), one of the first Black women to sell her startup, and Managing General Partner at the Chicago-based venture firm, Genius Guild.
Based on Kathryn’s bestselling book “Build the Damn Thing: How to Build a Successful Business if You’re NOT a Rich White Guy”, Build the Damn Thing is part storytelling, part mix tape and designed to teach you how to bring your business to the next level. The podcast features lessons and tips from leaders and entrepreneurs who have “Built the Damn Thing” themselves. From serial entrepreneurs to those who take risks to solve problems both abroad and locally — it's all here on the show!