Build the Damn Thing: A Newsletter from Kathryn Finney
Build The Damn Thing
The Art of Leaving w/ Darlene Gillard Jones

The Art of Leaving w/ Darlene Gillard Jones

Whether navigating the complexities of divorce, stepping away from a business venture, or exiting any significant chapter of your life, leaving can be a difficult art. In this episode, Kathryn and Darlene Gillard Jones discuss the nuances of knowing when to leave and the importance of doing it in a way that doesn't destroy what you’ve built.

“Figuring out how to leave is a delicate dance, and you definitely need a strategy.”

One thing you should keep in mind is that leaving is a change, and many people are not very good with change. So you have to recognize that when you leave a situation, many people will not be comfortable with you leaving because they're uncomfortable with change. You’re not disappointing people; they just don’t like change. Realizing this truth can help make it a little bit easier to leave.

“One of the things I wanna encourage everyone to do is to figure out how to remove yourself from a situation before you get to the point of losing yourself.”

It can be tempting to stay in a stable situation, even when you’re no longer growing and it’s no longer the best environment for you. When you’re thinking about how to leave, be sure to center who you are and meditate a bit. The biggest part of leaving anything is knowing yourself and your reasons for doing this. And when you're clear on that, it makes it much easier to exit.

“My goal is to leave in a way that honors me and who I am, but also to make sure that whatever I build continues on.”

You don’t have to leave in a way that hurts other people or burns bridges. Instead, you should strive to leave with dignity while preserving relationships and fostering growth. Doing this requires intention, authenticity, and a deep understanding of the impact our departures can have on those around us.


Darlene Gillard Jones: 

Build the Damn Thing: A Newsletter from Kathryn Finney
Build The Damn Thing
No more excuses. No more procrastination. If you’re ready to take your business, side hustle or idea to the next level, then this is the podcast for you! The podcast is hosted by Kathryn Finney, one of the most influential women in tech (INC Magazine), one of the first Black women to sell her startup, and Managing General Partner at the Chicago-based venture firm, Genius Guild.
Based on Kathryn’s bestselling book “Build the Damn Thing: How to Build a Successful Business if You’re NOT a Rich White Guy”, Build the Damn Thing is part storytelling, part mix tape and designed to teach you how to bring your business to the next level. The podcast features lessons and tips from leaders and entrepreneurs who have “Built the Damn Thing” themselves. From serial entrepreneurs to those who take risks to solve problems both abroad and locally — it's all here on the show!